Friday, April 17, 2009

Shattering the Myths of Dyslexia #2: Dyslexics Are Lazy

If you ask any parent of a dyslexic child, they will tell you their child is anything but lazy. The only arena that the dyslexic has ever been described lazy in is the academic setting. I will tell you that “lazy” is an inappropriate word to use to describe the dyslexic, and the word that best describes the dyslexic who exudes lazy-type symptoms is “discouraged.” Simply put, the dyslexic becomes discouraged due to the lack of teaching tools they require to fit their learning style and bring them success in learning to read and write. If you provide the dyslexic with the right tools, then he can learn to read it fluidly and correctly. Being able to read is so important because, he can compete academically with his peers and at the same time avoid the dreadful self-esteem issues that so many discouraged dyslexic learners go through.

Moreover, the dyslexic is anything but lazy. In fact, he is an incredibly hard worker that can become an over-achiever. Dyslexics that overachieve usually are keenly aware of what they can't do well and that is read easily and well. So, whether it is art, drama, music, sport, business, or strategy, a significant percentage of the dyslexic finds an area that he does well in, and then hones his skills and focuses on developing that talent. This is great; however, it is also sad because the dyslexic doesn’t fulfill his potential and he has so much more to offer to society.

One final thought: with the impending knowledge-based workforce shortage on the horizon in the USA, it is imperative that the dyslexic learn to read proficiently and be able to move up into middle school without the devastating self-esteem issues that have plagued so many of us for the last 110 years. Most dyslexics’ minds represent an untapped resource in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) that are presently being craved by the knowledge-based industries. If the USA is able to achieve reading proficiency for the dyslexic, then two things will take place:
1) The dyslexic will have the opportunity to develop the full potential of his mind, and
2) The USA's economy will have more creative minds to help it maintain its leadership role in the world in the 21st century.

Innovation and the USA’s knowledge-based industries will be what maintain our economy and standard of living that we enjoy presently in this country. Take a look at the Did You Know video on YouTube if you have any doubts about this.

Source: YouTube, Did You Know video.
“We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist using technologies that haven’t been invented … in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.”

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