Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Shattering the Myths of Dyslexia: #1

In the coming weeks, ReadingTools will be shattering the 14 myths commonly held about dyslexia.

Myth Number One: The Dyslexic Is Dumb!
According to research, the average IQ of a child with dyslexia is 117 points, but typically IQ tests are not an accurate reflection of the dyslexic’s true intelligence. For the past 14 years of working with dyslexics, it has been repeatedly observed that the dyslexic is anything but dumb. The opposite is the case; the dyslexic is very bright. The dyslexic’s struggle is a struggle with the abstract. The dyslexic works, creates and innovates really well in the three-dimensional world in which he lives; however, in the two-dimensional flat world of abstract written symbols and words, the dyslexic can struggle mightily. The perceptions of dealing with the 2-D world of the abstract written words can lead to frustration and confusion, which usually leads to feelings of being overwhelmed. Ultimately, the confusion and overwhelm can cause significant, if not serious, self-esteem issues. So, if your child is being labeled lazy, a daydreamer, unfocused, class disruptor or worse than these labels, he comes home and tells you, the parent, that he is dumb or stupid, then take solace in the fact that he probably has the gift of dyslexia. Yes, dyslexia is a gift!

In the last century, there have been hundreds of dyslexics that have made contributions to our society, most notably in the fields of art, drama, music, business, sport, science, and strategy (political and military). And yet, how many dyslexics fell through the educational and societal cracks because he could not read and write well. The answer to that question may be in the tens of millions. As a dyslexic and a parent of a slightly dyslexic child, experience has taught that the dyslexic cannot depend on the educational system -- either public or private -- or on multi-sensory phonemic awareness training to solve the problem of the dyslexic’s learning differences. The parent of the dyslexic and the dyslexic child need to utilize the natural 3-dimensional learning style of the dyslexic to teach him how to read and write and to be able to use his creative mind in the business world. Today parents are challenged to get the dyslexic child past the sixth grade, reading and writing fluently and free of problematic self-esteem issues. Dyslexics are not dumb ... actually, they are very smart, and from Reading Tools' perspective, the USA's standard of living will be greatly impacted by the creativity and productive input of the dyslexic mind in the 21st century.

Right now is a great time to be dyslexic because, for the first time since the onset of the industrial revolution, the dyslexic mind is needed by our society. The knowledge-based industries need innovators and a prepared workforce in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math -- STEM. Historically, hundreds of dyslexics have achieved in these areas, and experience shows their propensity to excel in these disciplines when they can communicate by reading and writing, which provides great hope for fulfilling each dyslexic’s fullest potential.

It has been said:
The Top 10 jobs in demand in the USA in 2010 did not exist in 2004.
(Source: You Tube-- Did You Know video)

Contact Bill Allen, president of Reading Tools, LLC and founder of the highly popular and successful dyslexia home tutoring series, The Learning to Read Program, at
Bill.Allen@ReadingTools.org, on Facebook, on MySpace, or call 866.637.6356 toll free and, for more information about overcoming the challenges of dyslexia and nurturing the talents of dyslexics, visit http://www.readingtools.org/.